  • Workday

    09:00 - 20:00

  • Saturday

    09:00 - 20:00

  • Sunday

    10:00 - 19:00


January 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Thank you for logging into our appointment system.

Due to the pandemic conditions, as Makas we are working diligently to provide the best service to our visitors. We kindly ask you to be in our saloon at the exact time of your appointment in order to avoid any disruptions appointment calendar and not to victimize other visitors.

Especially for coloring processes (bottom paint, ombre, sombre, full paint, insider, facelight, brushlight, polish etc.) you want to convey, when creating an appointment you can add the information about which process has been applied to your hair before and the length in the notes section, we may have the opportunity to confirm your appointment time more accurately.

In the cuttin process appointments, you can add add your note, if you prefer washing before or after shaping.


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